Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summary, mock test

Lukas family was worried because Lucas was missing. Malie, Sofie and Elias searched and called out for Lukas until dark. There were no tracks of him. The bigfeet have been eating and tearing off trees. They would not feel anything if they stepped on a child. Anna and the men were back at midnight. Martiens took over and gave the orders. Everyone was spilt up to search. Every hundred paces they will call out and on the tenth call they will turn back and move over fifty yards. The women will make a big fire. Koos tell the nearest forester about the missing child at daybreak. By midday, fourteen woodcutters help in the search. The next morning the constable came to help as well. On the fourth day twenty-four men were searching. Then, there were thirty. The news spread, the woodcutters laid down their axes and came to help. On the sixth day there were forty.

| 10:23 PM


Blogger Unknown said...

mayeb você quer um médico em sua vida? e voce meu
AMOR me envia email fcaselli@ig.com.br

October 25, 2017 at 9:43 PM  

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